After 2 years of happily living aboard our Beneteau 473 we slowly but surely began to develop a relatively serious catamaran jones.
It started with meeting and visiting catamaran friends and spending time aboard their vessels. We found many characteristics that we found quite intriguing. We liked the living spaces, the storage spaces, and the entertaining spaces.
My break through moment though came in a crowded rolly anchorage. As I looked about I saw all the monohulls with masts swaying to and fro like metronomes and all the cats bobbing gently upright in the swells. I have always been uncomfortable in a rolling boat at anchor and have spent lots of energy setting up swell bridles and stern anchors to try to minimize the roll in our monohull. Watching those stable cats made the decision for me.
We decided that the best place to sell our boat would be in the U.S. so we packed up in Antigua and began to head East. As we traveled east we learned about and visited as many cats as we could and soon developed a wish list of features that we hoped to find.
Of all the cats we learned about, the one that seemed to be the best fit for us turned out to be the PDQ Antares 44. This model is pretty rare because only about 45 have been built and the new build positions are sold out for about the next 3 years.
We knew an Antares was returning to Florida from the Caribbean to be listed for sale so we timed our return to the States to allow a viewing. We saw the boat, made an offer, and the closed the deal.
We have lots of upgrades in mind…..keep tuned
Oh my gosh…..enjoy this wonderful cat. Our daughter and son in law were the first to put her in the water and we spent many terrific times cruising in far away ports with them. Erin and Chris took such care and pride in Barefeet, now named Echo. Wishing you many happy days of sailing.