The Land of Plenty

Although we’ve been back to the US by plane, it feels very different to be here aboard Echo. For almost the past two years we have had to plan in advance for supplies and services, sometimes well in advance. Since arriving here in Florida our minds are still in advance planning mode for everything yet we soon realize we have just about anything we might need within walking distance. We no longer have to worry about what language, what currency, what side of the street cars drive on, where we can get our next Internet connection or whether or not we have the proper SIM card for the phone system. It truly is the land of plenty. We are happy to be here even though the air is somewhat cooler than we have grown accustom to.



Another thing we had to quickly come to terms with was the intensity of travel in the ICW. Our arrival Thursday morning required complete focus. The inlets can be busy and difficult depending on the seas and prevailing winds. The navigational markers are numerous and very important to follow due to various routes to different locations. The chart is filled with detail and we must keep track of exactly where we are, what bridges are ahead and what their opening schedules are. The VHF radio is filled with chatter, usually helpful but sometimes argumentative and you must keep a close eye on the chart plotter.  And then there are the bridges.  Mast clearance shouldn’t be a problem but we must watch the tide boards and pay attention to the tide schedule once again.

We are well rested and the boat is back in order after the long sea journey. We spent a few nights at a marina in Fort Pierce then began travel northward on “the inside”. Our high school friend, Angie, lives near Ponce De Leon inlet and has arranged for us to dock Echo at her marina for several days while we meet up with family for our nephews wedding.  We look forward to catching up with her and her husband Kelly, then spending some time with family.


Tomorrow is a tough day for us, the third anniversary of Nate’s death.  We’ve had lots of dolphin sightings in the past few days and somehow that makes us feel his presence even more than we always  do.  We take some comfort in having them swim alongside us…Love and miss you buddy!nate


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8 Responses to The Land of Plenty

  1. Bonnie vowles says:

    That’s interesting how you have to adjust to all the different issues that we here in the USA take for grantite. Glad you made it safely and enjoy the wedding. I was with Pattie yesterday and she mentioned nates anniversary. That is so cool about the dolphins. Enjoy your wonderful family and being back on solid ground

  2. Julie Semroc says:

    Please know you are in our thoughts. May the love of friends & family along with many great Nate memories surround you and Jeff.

  3. Brid long says:

    I am thinking of you both and all the family as you remember and celebrate Nate’s young life. Welcome home! Do you return via NYC? If so, let me know.

  4. Linda gillespie says:

    I will be with you, Mary and Nathan in spirt thru the day. Love has no boundaries, time restraints or limits. Life never ends it changes form …….

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